
Chinese maturity test .... continues

Remember my previous notes about the topic:

There I wrote:
But, there is this new wonder slogan:
meaning literally: as long as it is a patriot act, there will be no charges!
Yesterday: drunken boat drivers and toppled cars.
Today: destruction of supermarkets and factories.
Tomorrow: ... let's kill a few people. Its patriotic and therefore no problem!

Well, it is happening already ...
Thursday, Sep. 20, 2012
Suspect arrested in assault on Japanese couple in Hong Kong

I have not followed this, but maybe the man "arrested" has by now been declared a national hero. And since action was most likely a "patriotic act", there will be no charges.

This has been seen before:
the Indians
the Black
the Jews

are not worthy living, subhuman creatures ...
(in modern China they have their variety with different ethnic groups,
not pure blooded Chinese
"mud blood" -> muggle born (see Harry Potter)
or the Arier, pure blooded "Germans" (see Hitler)

The newest fashion: banning or maybe even destroying books
does not show any more maturity.
It's the  behavior of the unruly kids in Kindergarten

The "burning of books" has throughout history NEVER done any good to anybody

"The Qin Dynasty also introduced several reforms: currency, weights and measures were standardized, and a better system of writing was established. An attempt to purge all traces of the old dynasties led to the infamous burning of books and burying of scholars incident, ..."

The "strength of the Chinese is not their maturity, intellectual achievements, refinement, "historical facts" or the like ..... it is simply their number, which allows them to overrun everything/everybody else.
Remember the locusts I mentioned in my previous post?

And as I also said before, the world need to think this through a little!
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